
Login to Corporate Accounts / Connectez-vous aux services Web
DISCLAIMER: Links to websites not under the control of N.B. Crime Stoppers, Inc. are provided solely for the convenience of visitors. Crime Stoppers is not responsible for the accuracy, validity or reliability of the content. Crime Stoppers does not offer any guarantee in that regard and is not responsible for the information found through these links, nor does it endorse the sites or their respective content.
Décharge de responsabilité : Les liens vers les sites Web ne relevant pas de l’Échec au crime sont fournis uniquement pour des raisons de commodité. L’Échec au crime n’est pas responsable de l’exactitude, de l’actualité ou de la fiabilité de leur contenu. Il n’offre aucune garantie à cet égard et n’est pas responsable des renseignements associés à ces liens, pas plus qu’il ne cautionne ces sites ou leur contenu.
Unauthorized Access Disclaimer:
N.B. Crime Stoppers, Inc. along with technology partners maintains all identifiable information provided by the user on computer servers in a controlled and secured environment, which is protected by measures reasonably designed to prevent unauthorized access, loss, alteration, use or disclosure of such information. Unauthorized access is prohibited and all violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This includes criminal and civil prosecution, in provincial and federal courts. All traffic is logged and monitored for potential abuse.
Use of Cookies:
myCollab Centre / Centre maCollab uses a feature called a ‘cookie’ to store browser information used by our servers when you log into the myCollab Centre / Centre maCollab. Cookies, by themselves, cannot be used to disclose the individual identity of any site user. If you opt not to accept cookies, you will not be able to access the myCollab Centre / Centre maCollab section of our site. In order to adjust your privacy (‘cookie’) setting, please go to the Internet options section of your Internet browser and change it accordingly.
Acceptable Use Policy (Email / Instant Messaging):
Access to N.B. Crime Stoppers Corporate Webmail is restricted to authorized users only. All activities performed while logged into the applications above are subject to Crime Stoppers’ acceptable use policies and may be monitored by Digital Media Services. Users should have no expectation of privacy, and access or use of this application constitutes express consent to such monitoring. Unauthorized users may be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action including criminal prosecution.
Best practices when using SmarterMail, Zoho Mail, Google Gmail, and Microsoft Outlook:
- Ensure the desktop computer or mobile device you are using is trusted and free of malware
- We recommend using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge internet browsers when accessing and ensure they are kept up-to-date
- Utilize multi-factor authentication (MFA) wherever available
- Avoid downloading company-sensitive information to your computer
- Take care no one is looking over your shoulder (shoulder surfing) when using the computer, especially in a public location
- Never reveal your Password to anyone. If you receive an anomalous email asking for sensitive account information, you must not disclose it. You should report the incident to the Digital Media Services office immediately when in doubt
- Create a strong, easy-to-remember password and one that you do not use on your other personal devices
- Avoid online fraud, phishing attempts, and con tricks. Learn to spot fake emails and websites
- When you are finished using Corporate Webmail, click the ‘Logout’ link in the top right corner of the webpage and completely exit the browser.